The principal problem this reseach is how to the role of teachers in improving performance achievments learn students of class IV elementary school of 8 Pulau Rimau. This study using the thedescriptive, where the reseach used to describe the exact phenomenon hapenned in elementary school of 8 Pulau Rimau, Collecting the methods used data is observasi, inquiries, and the seach reference. Then the tecniques processing data and data analysis done to use a technique a quantitative analysis thedescriptive.The result of reseach shows that the role of performance of the teacher good enough in improving the achievments learn students of class IV in elementary school of 8 Pulau Rimau, it can be determined by the behavior of the existence of a good is evidence that the teacher can attract the attention of students. And about of the accomplishments of learning students in elementary shcool of 8 Pulau Rimau can be seem from the undestanding of the lessons that can be used a as reject the succes of students in lerning.References
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Undang-undang RI No. 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pendidikan Nasional