
  • Wyris Cayeni
  • Ade Silvia Utari


One of the challenges of teachers in the Era of industrial revolution 4.0 is the use of technology in education which focuses on shifting the world towards digital. Age developments caused by innovation or breakthrough by utilizing sophistication. The era of industrial revolution 4.0 was characterized by cyber physical and computerized digital-based manufacturing collaboration with an Internet-of-Things (IoT) based system that was globally connected. In general, experts argue that multiple-faced technology. On the one hand, technology provides many conveniences and benefits, so there are teachers who rely on the use of technology in education. However, on the other hand, technology can also have a negative impact on education. The use of scaffolding in the form of technology can eliminate the essence of education. Therefore, the use of technology as an educational support must be accompanied by an awareness to continue to accommodate and maintain the essence of education not only concerning knowledge transfer, but also giving example, instilling good values, fostering character, fostering the potential "uniqueness" of each student, giving motivation, and various other "hidden curriculum". Such a thing cannot be achieved by relying solely on technological support, but requires human-intersubjective interaction between teacher-students, between students, and between teachers and students with learning resources. Therefore, a thought about "the use of technological support in learning, but still gives" the essence "of education", it is necessary with awareness carried out by the teacher. If not, the accumulation of long-term negative impacts from the use of technological support in education will be very large. We might actually lose the "important thing" in education.


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