
  • Maman Suryaman Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta



Makalah ini berisi gambaran mengenai arah pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pascapandemi covid-19 dan hubunganya dengan Revolusi Industri 4.0. Asumsi yang mendasarinya adalah adanya paradigma baru pembelajaran dari tatap muka konvensional ke tatap muka secara daring maupun luring (pembelajaran campuran) berbasis teknologi. Pertanyaannya adalah isu-isu utama apa yang harus menjadi basis arah pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia? Bagaimana posisi media dan teknologi di dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia? Bagaimana arah baru pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pascapandemi dan di era teknologi digital? Dari berbagai kajian diperoleh gambaran bahwa isu-isu utama basis pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia adalah visi Indonesia 2045, kecerdasan artifisial, dunia kerja, literasi, pandemi covid-19; arah pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia pascapandemi dan era Revolusi Industri 4.0 adalah media dan teknologi; serta implementasi pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia berbasis pembelajaran elektronik dengan beragam media digital.

 Kata kunci: Arah baru pembelajaran, Bahasa Indonesia, Revolusi Industri.


This paper discusses the direction of Bahasa Indonesia teaching and learning during pandemic Covid-19 and its relationship with industrial revolution 4.0. The assumption behind this paper is the new teaching and learning paradigm which moved from conventional face to face learning to online/offline learning with the support of technology. The questions being asked were what what are the main issues become the bases for the direction of Bahasa Indonesia learning and teaching? What is the position of media and technology in developing Bahasa Indonesia learning and teaching?What is the direction of Bahasa Indonesia learning and teaching during pandemic and digital era? From several review it can be inferred that the main issues of the bases of Bahasa Indonesia teaching an learning was Indonesian vision 2045, artificial intelligence, work, literacy, and pandemic Covid-19; the direction of Bahasa Indonesia teaching and learning during pandemic, and industrial revolution 4.0 were media and technology; as well as the implementation of Bahasa Indonesia teaching and learning with various digital media.

 Keywords: New direction of teaching and learning, Bahasa Indonesia, Industrial revolution


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