
  • Basuki Wibawa SMP Labschool Jakarta
  • Wijaya Kusumah SMP Labschool Jakarta


Blog di internet seharusnya sangat bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa. Dalam membuat blog yang memikat, perlu diisi dengan artikel yang bermanfaat dan mengundang orang untuk berkomentar dan berpartisipasi di dalamnya. Blog yang baik dapat mengarahkan siswa tidak hanya untuk membuat informasi baru dan mencari informasi di internet; tetapi juga dapat menjadi media bagi siswa untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulisnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa melalui pengelolaan kolaboratif blog di internet. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kolaboratif. Jumlah siswa yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah 236 orang dengan empat guru. Proses pembelajaran dilaksanakan dalam 4 siklus dari tanggal 1 September 2020 hingga 21 Juni 2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan menulis siswa meningkat dengan memberikan motivasi secara terbuka dan latihan menulis berkelanjutan di blog siswa yang dikelola dengan baik. Dalam penelitian tindakan kolaboratif ini, guru merencanakan tindakan korektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa melalui manajemen blog dengan memposting tugas di blog dan mendapatkan komentar dari guru dan siswa lainnya. Guru memberikan contoh menulis yang baik di blog dan memberikan komentar positif di blog siswa untuk memberikan siswa intens di mana tulisan mereka dihargai. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis, siswa dapat diarahkan untuk mengelola blog secara kolaboratif dan menggunakan blog sebagai media pembelajaran. Motivasi guru sangat penting.

Kata Kunci: Manajemen Blog, Keterampilan Menulis, Kolaborasi


Alsamadani, H. A. (2017). The Effectiveness of Using Online Blogging for Students’ Individual and Group Writing. International Education Studies, 11(1), 44.

Arslan, R. Ş., & Şahin-Kizil, A. (2010). How can the use of blog software facilitate the writing process of English language learners? Computer Assisted Language Learning, 23(3), 183–197.

Asoodar, M., Atai, M. R., & Vaezi, S. (2016). Blog-Integrated Writing with Blog-Buddies. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 54(2), 225–252.

Banegas, D. L., Loutayf, M. S., Company, S., Alemán, M. J., & Roberts, G. (2020). Learning to write book reviews for publication: A collaborative action research study on student-teachers’ perceptions, motivation, and self-efficacy. System, 95, 102371.

Biberman-Shalev, L. (2021). The Blog as a Time Capsule: Student Teachers Review Their Reflective Blogs. Educational Forum, 0(0), 1–15.

Bridges, K. R., Harnish, R. J., & Sillman, D. (2012). Teaching undergraduate positive psychology: An active learning approach using student blogs. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 11(2), 218–227.

Cambell, K. (2004). Effective Writing for E-Learning Environments.pdf (A. Britcher (ed.)). Information Science Publishing.

Cavendish, W., Perez, X., & Mahotiere, M. (2020). Pre-Service Teacher Supports in Urban Schools. Action in Teacher Education, 00(00), 1–13.

Chaturvedi, K., Vishwakarma, D. K., & Singh, N. (2021). COVID-19 and its impact on education, social life and mental health of students: A survey. Children and Youth Services Review, 121(July 2020), 105866.

Christie, H., & Morris, N. (2021). Using assessed blogs to enhance student engagement. Teaching in Higher Education, 26(4), 573–585.

Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2000). Research Methods in Education (5th editio). RoutledgeFalmer.

Di Gregorio, L., & Beaton, F. (2019). Blogs in the modern foreign languages curriculum. A case study on the use of blogging as a pedagogic tool and a mode of assessment for modern foreign languages students. Higher Education Pedagogies, 4(1), 406–421.

Duarte, P. (2015). The use of a group blog to actively support learning activities. Active Learning in Higher Education, 16(2), 103–117.

Fowler, K., & Thomas, V. L. (2015). Creating a Professional Blog: The Impact of Student Learning Styles on Perceptions of Learning. Journal of Marketing Education, 37(3), 181–189.

Heinimäki, O. P., Volet, S., Jones, C., Laakkonen, E., & Vauras, M. (2021). Student participatory role profiles in collaborative science learning: Relation of within-group configurations of role profiles and achievement. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 30(January).

Hyland, K., & Zou, H. (Joanna). (2020). In the frame: Signalling structure in academic articles and blogs. Journal of Pragmatics, 165, 31–44.

Kim, Y., Glassman, M., Bartholomew, M., & Hur, E. H. (2013). Creating an educational context for Open Source Intelligence: The development of Internet self-efficacy through a blogcentric course. Computers and Education, 69, 332–342.

Kupchyk, L., & Litvinchuk, A. (2021). Constructing personal learning environments through ICT-mediated foreign language instruction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1840(1).

Laakso, N. L., Korhonen, T. S., & Hakkarainen, K. P. J. (2021). Developing students’ digital competences through collaborative game design. Computers & Education, 174(August), 104308.

Meinecke, A. L., Smith, K. K., & Lehmann-Willenbrock, N. (2013). Developing Students As Global Learners: “Groups in Our World†Blog. Small Group Research, 44(4), 428–445.

Özkan, Y. (2018). Reflectivity of pre-service language teachers echoed through blogs. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, XXX, 1–9.

Papadopoulos, T., Stamati, T., & Nopparuch, P. (2013). Exploring the determinants of knowledge sharing via employee weblogs. International Journal of Information Management, 33(1), 133–146.

Pham, V. P. H., & Usaha, S. (2015). Blog-based peer response for L2 writing revision. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29(4), 724–748.

Sanjaya, H. K., Apriani, E., & Edy, S. (2020). Using web blogs in teaching writing for EFL students. Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET), 4(4), 516–535.

Sparrow, R., Dartanto, T., & Hartwig, R. (2020). Indonesia Under the New Normal: Challenges and the Way Ahead. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 56(3), 269–299.

Sütçü, S. S. (2020). Blogging in EFL Learners’ Academic Writing. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(6), 344–351.

Tang, J. T. E., Tang, T. I., & Chiang, C. H. (2012). Blog learning: Effects of users’ usefulness and efficiency towards continuance intention. Behaviour and Information Technology, 33(1), 36–50.

Teng, M. F. (2021). Interactive-whiteboard-technology-supported collaborative writing: Writing achievement, metacognitive activities, and co-regulation patterns. System, 97, 102426.

Vurdien, R. (2013). Enhancing writing skills through blogging in an advanced English as a Foreign Language class in Spain. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 26(2), 126–143.

Wibawa, B, & Kusumah, W. (2021). Coding skills improvement through management blog on the internet. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1098(3).

Wibawa, Basuki, & Muhidin, A. (2021). The effect of instructional videos on learning performance. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2331.

Alsamadani, H. A. (2017). The Effectiveness of Using Online Blogging for Students’ Individual and Group Writing. International Education Studies, 11(1), 44.

Arslan, R. Ş., & Şahin-Kizil, A. (2010). How can the use of blog software facilitate the writing process of English language learners? Computer Assisted Language Learning, 23(3), 183–197.

Asoodar, M., Atai, M. R., & Vaezi, S. (2016). Blog-Integrated Writing with Blog-Buddies. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 54(2), 225–252.

Banegas, D. L., Loutayf, M. S., Company, S., Alemán, M. J., & Roberts, G. (2020). Learning to write book reviews for publication: A collaborative action research study on student-teachers’ perceptions, motivation, and self-efficacy. System, 95, 102371.

Biberman-Shalev, L. (2021). The Blog as a Time Capsule: Student Teachers Review Their Reflective Blogs. Educational Forum, 0(0), 1–15.

Bridges, K. R., Harnish, R. J., & Sillman, D. (2012). Teaching undergraduate positive psychology: An active learning approach using student blogs. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 11(2), 218–227.

Cambell, K. (2004). Effective Writing for E-Learning Environments.pdf (A. Britcher (ed.)). Information Science Publishing.

Cavendish, W., Perez, X., & Mahotiere, M. (2020). Pre-Service Teacher Supports in Urban Schools. Action in Teacher Education, 00(00), 1–13.

Chaturvedi, K., Vishwakarma, D. K., & Singh, N. (2021). COVID-19 and its impact on education, social life and mental health of students: A survey. Children and Youth Services Review, 121(July 2020), 105866.

Christie, H., & Morris, N. (2021). Using assessed blogs to enhance student engagement. Teaching in Higher Education, 26(4), 573–585.

Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2000). Research Methods in Education (5th editio). RoutledgeFalmer.

Di Gregorio, L., & Beaton, F. (2019). Blogs in the modern foreign languages curriculum. A case study on the use of blogging as a pedagogic tool and a mode of assessment for modern foreign languages students. Higher Education Pedagogies, 4(1), 406–421.

Duarte, P. (2015). The use of a group blog to actively support learning activities. Active Learning in Higher Education, 16(2), 103–117.

Fowler, K., & Thomas, V. L. (2015). Creating a Professional Blog: The Impact of Student Learning Styles on Perceptions of Learning. Journal of Marketing Education, 37(3), 181–189.

Heinimäki, O. P., Volet, S., Jones, C., Laakkonen, E., & Vauras, M. (2021). Student participatory role profiles in collaborative science learning: Relation of within-group configurations of role profiles and achievement. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 30(January).

Hyland, K., & Zou, H. (Joanna). (2020). In the frame: Signalling structure in academic articles and blogs. Journal of Pragmatics, 165, 31–44.

Kim, Y., Glassman, M., Bartholomew, M., & Hur, E. H. (2013). Creating an educational context for Open Source Intelligence: The development of Internet self-efficacy through a blogcentric course. Computers and Education, 69, 332–342.

Kupchyk, L., & Litvinchuk, A. (2021). Constructing personal learning environments through ICT-mediated foreign language instruction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1840(1).

Laakso, N. L., Korhonen, T. S., & Hakkarainen, K. P. J. (2021). Developing students’ digital competences through collaborative game design. Computers & Education, 174(August), 104308.

Meinecke, A. L., Smith, K. K., & Lehmann-Willenbrock, N. (2013). Developing Students As Global Learners: “Groups in Our World†Blog. Small Group Research, 44(4), 428–445.

Özkan, Y. (2018). Reflectivity of pre-service language teachers echoed through blogs. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, XXX, 1–9.

Papadopoulos, T., Stamati, T., & Nopparuch, P. (2013). Exploring the determinants of knowledge sharing via employee weblogs. International Journal of Information Management, 33(1), 133–146.

Pham, V. P. H., & Usaha, S. (2015). Blog-based peer response for L2 writing revision. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29(4), 724–748.

Sanjaya, H. K., Apriani, E., & Edy, S. (2020). Using web blogs in teaching writing for EFL students. Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET), 4(4), 516–535.

Sparrow, R., Dartanto, T., & Hartwig, R. (2020). Indonesia Under the New Normal: Challenges and the Way Ahead. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 56(3), 269–299.

Sütçü, S. S. (2020). Blogging in EFL Learners’ Academic Writing. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(6), 344–351.

Tang, J. T. E., Tang, T. I., & Chiang, C. H. (2012). Blog learning: Effects of users’ usefulness and efficiency towards continuance intention. Behaviour and Information Technology, 33(1), 36–50.

Teng, M. F. (2021). Interactive-whiteboard-technology-supported collaborative writing: Writing achievement, metacognitive activities, and co-regulation patterns. System, 97, 102426.

Vurdien, R. (2013). Enhancing writing skills through blogging in an advanced English as a Foreign Language class in Spain. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 26(2), 126–143.

Wibawa, B, & Kusumah, W. (2021). Coding skills improvement through management blog on the internet. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1098(3).

Wibawa, Basuki, & Muhidin, A. (2021). The effect of instructional videos on learning performance. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2331.


