<p>Indobiosains journal is an online scientific journal published by Universitas PGRI Palembang and managed by Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas PGRI Palembang with registered number <strong>e-ISSN 2655-9137</strong>. This journal is published twice a year in February and August and firstly published in February, 2019. Indobiosains Journal publishes research articles from laboratory or field experiment as well as theoretical and elaborative research in field of Biologys such as theoretical biologys, cell biology, molecular, genetics, invertebrates, vertebrates, plant, animal, morphology, physiology, taxonomy, microbiology, ecology, biology education as well as other relevant topics in Biology.</p>Universitas PGRI Palembangen-USIndobiosains2655-9137Optimasi Pertumbuhan Bakteri Laut Penghasil Protease Menggunakan Variasi Konsentrasi Media Skim Milk Modifikasi
<p>This study aims to analyze the growth rate of marine bacteria producing protease using variations in the concentration of skim milk media and to observe the relationship between cell growth and enzyme activity. The study was conducted using three concentrations of skim milk media (1%, 2%, and 3%) and observation of growth and enzyme activity for 108 hours. The results showed that 1% skim milk concentration produced the largest proteolytic zone diameter (13.8 mm) with the fastest growth (1 day). Observations of cell growth patterns and enzyme activity showed that the highest enzyme activity (0.5933 U/mL) occurred in the early growth phase and decreased in subsequent phases even though cell growth increased. This indicates that there is no linear relationship between cell growth and enzyme activity in marine bacteria-producing protease, where enzyme production and activity are influenced by various complex factors such as physiological conditions of the cells and nutrient availability.</p>Anita AnitaHasnah NatsirAhyar AhmadPaulina TabaHarningsih Karim
Copyright (c) 2025 Indobiosains
2025-02-012025-02-011710.31851/indobiosains.v7i1.17822Perbandingan Nilai CRP Metode Sandwich Immunometri Dan Metode Fia Pada Sampel Darah Vena Pasien Terindikasi Infeksi Di Rumah Sakit
<p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p>Checking blood levels of <em>C-Reactive Protein</em> (CRP) is one of the tests that can detect inflammation at an early stage. <em>C-Reactive Protein</em> (CRP) is an inflammatory marker that is synthesized in the liver. CRP levels increase due to trauma, bacterial infection and inflammation (inflammation and tissue damage). CRP plays an important role in the recognition of microbial organisms and as an immunomodulator in the body's defense system, CRP also plays a role in the recognition of necrotic tissue. Specimens that can be used for <em>C-Reactive Protein</em> examination are Serum, heparin plasma, and EDTA plasma <em>C-Reactive Protein</em> (CRP) examination consists of several methods, including the Latex method, automatic and others. The research design used posttest only design. This study was conducted in April 2023 at the Laboratory of RSU Bunda Palembang which amounted to 21 samples using venous blood samples Results: the results of CRP examination using the FIA method were 9.53 mg/L and CRP examination using the Sandwich Immunometry method was 9.43 mg/L. The results of the research data were analyzed using spss with the Dependent T test. There is no difference in CRP values between the Sandwich Immunometry method and the FIA method in venous blood samples of patients with indications of infection at Bunda Hospital Palembang in 2023.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>Denny JuraijinSari Rahmayani
Copyright (c) 2025 Indobiosains
2025-02-012025-02-0181610.31851/indobiosains.v7i1.17690Keberadaan Bakteri Salmonella sp Pada Telur Ayam Di Pasar Tradisional Kota Palembang Sumatera Selatan
<p>Eggs are a product of animal origin that is famous as a high source of protein compared to other protein source ingredients. Damage that can cause a decrease in egg quality is caused by microorganisms, one of which, bacteria that can contaminate eggs is <em>Salmonella sp. </em>This study aims to analyze the presence of<em> Salmonella </em>sp bacteria in chicken eggs sold in several traditional markets in Palembang City. This study used 6 samples of chicken eggs from 3 traditional markets with a simple random sampling method. The test results of all positive egg samples contained <em>Salmonella</em> sp. This shows that the quality of eggs sold at the Palembang Traditional Market does not meet the requirements of the Indonesian National Standard, which is negative/25 grams.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Salmonella</em> sp, chicken egg, traditional market.</p>Aryani AryaniMarmaini MarmainiDewi Novianti
Copyright (c) 2025 Indobiosains
2025-02-012025-02-01172210.31851/indobiosains.v7i1.15887Penambahan Perbedaan Waktu Dan Konsentrasi Ragi Roti Terhadap Kualitas Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
<p>Research has been conducted entitled Addition of Differences in Time and Concentration of Baker's Yeast to the Quality of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). This research aims to analyze the addition of differences in time and concentration of baker's yeast on the quality of Virgin Coconut Oil. VCO quality testing was carried out at the Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, PGRI University, Palembang. The method used is the experimental method. The research results showed that the highest amount of VCO and yield were 71 ml and 35.5% respectively in the treatment with the addition of a 1% concentration of baker's yeast with a fermentation time of 24 hours. The lowest amount of VCO and yield was 10 ml and 5% in the treatment with the addition of a 3% concentration of baker's yeast for a fermentation time of 36 hours. Organoleptic tests on color, smell and taste, namely at 12 hours and 24 hours of fermentation, the VCO color is clear, the aroma is typical of coconut fruit, and the taste is savory. However, as the time and concentration of baker's yeast increases (36 hours and 48 hours), the aroma produced by VCO smells less favorable (rancid) and the color becomes cloudy.</p>Mutiatul JannahIta EmiliaYunita Panca Putri
Copyright (c) 2025 Indobiosains
2025-02-012025-02-01233210.31851/indobiosains.v7i1.16381Struktur Morfologi Tanaman Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri ) Pada Habitat Desa Sribunga Kecamatan Buay Pemuka Bangsa Raja Kab Oku Timur
<p>Research on the morphological structure of porang plants growing in Sribunga Village, Buay Pemuka Bangsa Raja District, East Oku Regency was carried out in This research was carried out from March to June 2024. The porang plants (Amorphophallus muelleri) studied were taken from community plantations in Sribunga Village, Buay District Leaders of the Raja Nation of East Oku Regency. Examination of morphological characteristics was carried out at the Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, PGRI University, Palembang. The research uses a survey method. Data analysis includes the basic structure of plants, namely roots, leaves, stems and plant modifications. The morphology of the porang plant (Amorpophallus muellery) has a fibrous root system (radix adventitia). The stem (caulis) has a false stem which is modified into a root tuber. The leaves (folium) are finger-shaped compound leaves. The flowers (flos) are compound cob flowers (spadix) with large reddish bracts (spatha).</p>Dian MutiaraDewi Rosanti
Copyright (c) 2025 Indobiosains