Jakabaring The Role of Government in Development of Sport Tourism in Lake Ogan Permata Indah (OPI) Jakabaring
The Indonesian government is currently trying to improve the image of Indonesian tourism by developing community-based tourism. One form of community-based tourism development is sport tourism. As the name implies, sport tourism is tourism combined with sports. This can support the growth of the tourism sector because it is supported by sports activities that attract visitors. South Sumatra has a lot of tourism potential, especially in water sports, seen in the condition of the area which is the water area that is the icon of the city of Palembang, namely the Musi River, besides that there are also many tributaries scattered in various areas which are the flow of the Musi River, in addition to the river The lakes that have an attraction one of them is Lake OPI (Ogan Permata Indah) located in the Jakabaring area. The development of various tourism sectors in various countries that are stretched coupled with the source of foreign exchange obtained by the region from the tourism sector is certainly an opportunity and also a challenge for Indonesia, especially the city of Palembang in developing the sports tourism sector. The development of sports tourism requires the active role of various parties. The central government to local governments at the lowest level have a role in the authority to regulate, foster and develop. In addition, the role of related agencies, business actors and the general public is also needed.
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