The Influence of Innovative Audiovisual-Based Learning Models on Minimizing Bullying of Male and Female Students in Physical Education Subjects



Bullying is like a poison that slowly destroys the future of the younger generation. This behavior is not just a joke or prank, but an emotional wound that can leave deep scars for life. In Indonesia, bullying cases are still a serious problem, with data from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission and the Indonesian Teachers Union Federation showing a significant increase from 2020 to 2023. In 2023, the highest percentage of bullying cases was recorded at the junior high school level. This situation confirms that bullying cases continue to increase and require a quick response and collaboration from various parties to prevent it. This study aims to explore the effect of an innovative model that integrates the Numbered Head Together (NHT) cooperative learning model with an audiovisual-based reciprocal teaching style in minimizing bullying behavior in male and female students. The method used was a pre-experiment with a one-group pretest-posttest design. A total of 30 students from one class VIII became the research sample. Data collection used a questionnaire based on the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ) consisting of 23 items, covering three dimensions of bullying, namely verbal (8 items), physical (7 items), and non-verbal/non-physical (8 items). Descriptive analysis, prerequisite tests (normality and homogeneity), and parametric paired sample t-test. The results of the study showed that the descriptive analysis and Paired Sample T-Test showed that the intervention given was effective in reducing bullying behavior in male and female students. A more significant decrease occurred in male students, who were likely more responsive to the intervention than female students. These results confirm that the implementation of the NHT-type cooperative learning model with an audiovisual-based reciprocal style is effective in reducing bullying behavior in the learning process environment. This study provides an important contribution to the development of bullying prevention strategies among students.


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