Analisis Kesalahan Penggunaan Frasa dan Kata Baku Pada Papan Nama
Kesalahan berbahasa yakni kesalahan frasa dan kata baku sering ditemukan pada papan nama terutama di Jalan Macan Lindungan Palembang. Pada penelitian ini dapat ditemukan bahwa kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia pada papan nama di Jalan Macan Lindungan Palembang dalam bidang frasa terdapat dua kategori. Kategori pertama yakni kategori frasa terdapat 6 kasus sementara dalam bidang kata tidak baku terdapat 32 kasus. Sementara itu, penyebab kesalahan disebabkan empat hal yakni pertama kesalahan dilakukan demi menarik perhatian masyarakat sebagai target konsumen, kedua kesalahan tersebut dinilai lebih modern dan bergengsi ketiga kesalahan yang terjadi diakibatkan kata tersebut lebih umum di masyarakat, keempat bentuk kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia tersebut kerap dijumpai sehingga dianggap kata tersebutlah yang benar.
Kata Kunci: Kesalahan Berbahasa, Frasa, Kata Baku, Papan Nama
The Analysis of Mistakes in Using Phrases and Standard Words on Nameplate
There is a language error on the nameplate on Jalan Macan Lindungan Palembang, namely the errors of phrases and standard words. Based on the research findings, it can be stated that there are two categories of errors in the Indonesian language on the sign on Jalan Macan Lindungan Palembang in the phrase field. The first category, namely the phrase category, contained 6 cases while in the non-standard word field there were 32 cases. Meanwhile, the cause of the error was due to four things, namely the first mistake was made to attract the attention of the public as a target consumer, the second error was considered more modern and prestigious, the third error occurred because the word was more common in society, the four forms of Indonesian language errors were often encountered so that they were considered words. that's the right one.
Keywords: Language Error, Phrases, standard words, Signboard
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