Menstimulasi cara berpikir kritis dan kognitif pada Anak Usia 3-5 Tahun melalui permainan puzzle stick misteri : Studi Literatur

Menstimulasi cara berpikir kritis dan kognitif pada Anak Usia 3-5 Tahun melalui permainan puzzle stick misteri : Studi Literatur


  • Christina maria -



Currently learning uses a student-centered approach. In reality, students' critical thinking abilities
are still low. Advanced Puzzle Media is a learning media in the form of three-dimensional puzzles
that can stimulate students to think critically and integrate with online material and questions.
Therefore, the author innovated to create Advanced Puzzle media to improve students' critical
thinking skills. In reality, students' critical thinking abilities are still low. This research aims to
find out whether the use of puzzle stick media can improve students' critical thinking skills in PAI
learning and how the use of puzzle stick media improves students' critical thinking skills in PAI
learning. The use of stick puzzle media in improving students' critical thinking skills is through
the pairing puzzle process.Problem solving is one of the aspects contained in the cognitive domain.
Considering that young children are still in the learning stage of recognizing environmental
conditions in their surroundings, including all existing problems, the learning activities provided
refer to problem solving exercises. Children learn through playing, using puzzle media to train
children's thinking skills in solving problems. The aim of this research is to determine the effect
of using puzzle game media on children's problem solving abilities


