Bukhari Iskandar and His Work of Islamic Education in Labuhanbatu
Bukhari Iskandar, Contextual Approach, Islamic EducationAbstract
This research aims to investigate the ideas, contributions, and involvement of Bukhari Iskandar in Islamic education in Labuhanbatu. Using a qualitative approach, this study employed in-depth interviews with Bukhari Iskandar’s colleagues to gather relevant data. This research indicates that Bukhari Iskandar is influential in advancing Islamic education in Labuhanbatu. His innovative ideas, including a contextual approach to religious learning, information and communication technology, and character education, have brought about positive changes in teaching and learning religion. Bukhari Iskandar’s contributions are also evident in developing a comprehensive Islamic education curriculum, intensive teacher training, and the writing and publishing of quality books. The findings of this study provide a deep understanding of the efforts made by Bukhari in strengthening religious education, enhancing teaching quality, and expanding access to Islamic education in the region.
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