The Influence of Compensation, Person Job Fit, Non-Physical Work Environment on Job Satisfaction through Work Motivation
Compensation, Job Satisfaction, Non-Physical Work Environment, Person Job Fit, Work MotivationAbstract
PT Jasa Raharja Putera (JRP) is one of the companies committed to achieving its organizational goals. Human resources management at JRP plays a crucial role in ensuring productive employee performance. One of the ways to achieve this is by striving to provide job satisfaction. Over the past 3 years, job satisfaction at JRP has been in the range of 65-66%. Several factors that can influence employee job satisfaction are Compensation, Person-Job Fit, Non-Physical Work Environment, and Motivation. Therefore, these variables will be used in the study. The research method used is quantitative, with a sample size of 144 respondents. The study's findings indicate that Compensation, Person-Job Fit, and the Non-Physical Work Environment collectively have a positive and significant influence on motivation. Furthermore, Compensation and Person-Job Fit have a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. However, the Non-Physical Work Environment has a positive but not significant effect on job satisfaction. Motivation acts as a moderator and positively and significantly influences the relationship between Compensation, Person-Job Fit, Non-Physical Work Environment, and job satisfaction.
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