Airport Runway Defect Detection Device: A Project-Based Learning Media
Airports, Defect Detection Device, Human Error, Project Based Learning, RunwayAbstract
In the Aviation industry, runways play a significant role in flight safety. Damage to the runway can cause aircraft accidents that can harm several parties. The use of labor in inspection activities tends to frequent human error. Therefore, the author makes a neural network technology tool to detect runway damage at the airport. This research aims to design a runway defect detection device used as a project-based learning media for Transportation Cadets, especially Palembang Aviation Polytechnic Cadets, so they can absorb learning material quickly and find a new learning atmosphere. This research uses the research and development method by analyzing the needs qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the design scenario and how this tool works can help in learning, especially project-based learning. Hence, the design of this tool can be utilized as a reference in the development and use of the tool.
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