Conflict Analysis and Work Environment on Employee Productivity at the PP-PA Office of South Sumatera Province
The purpose of this study is 1) to determine the effect of the work environment on the work productivity of employees at the PP-PA Office of South Sumatera Province, 2) to determine the effect of work conflict on employee work productivity in the PP-PA Office of South Sumatera Province. And 3) to determine the effect of the work environment and work conflict on employee work productivity at the PP-PA Office of South Sumatera Province. The research method used is a descriptive method with a research sample of 48 ASN employees at the PP-PA Office of South Sumatera Province. Data analysis by questionnaire. The results of the study with indicators of work conflict, work environment, and employee productivity showed a good predicate with a magnitude of 79.64%. Our recommendation is to improve the work environment and prevent and handle work conflicts properly will increase employee productivity at the PP-PA Office of South Sumatera Province.References
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