Kesadaran Masyarakat Dalam Mengurangi Bencana Banjir Dilihat Dari Aspek Hukum Di Sumatera Selatan
Indonesia is a country that is prone to disasters. Based on BNPB data, from 2018 to 2019 there were 3,999 disasters. The total potential area of flood hazard in South Sumatra Province as a whole is 6,476,932.00 Ha and is in the High class. The extent of flood hazards is broken down into 3 hazard classes. In reality, the survey results show that knowledge of disasters in Indonesia is still not accessible to the general public. There is a gap between disaster knowledge and existing knowledge at the community level. This is proven by the community's lack of responsiveness in protecting the surrounding environment, their lack of response to natural phenomena and their tendency to wait for the government to handle disasters. The success of this strategy is expected to increase public awareness of disasters so that they actively participate in flood prevention. The data collection technique used is in the form of a questionnaire or questionnaire. The results show that children who have environmental awareness in Plaju District are only around 50.57%. The value of children's environmental awareness based on the results of the questionnaire is still low, namely 49.86%. And from the survey results, the government must raise environmental awareness among the people of Plaju sub-district, which must be done by the government, the managers (RT/RW), one of which is the need for support and motivation from related parties such as the government in the form of counseling and providing capital to encourage its citizens to process waste into something useful. useful so that it can convince residents by creating jobs and minimizing waste.