Pengaruh Keterampilan dan Pengalaman Kerja Terhadap Pengembangan Karier Pada Perum Bulog Devisi Regional Sumsel-Babel
This research aims to determine the influence of skills and work experience on the development of career in the regional division BULOG of SUMSEL-BABEL. The population in this study is the all-employees of the regional division of SUMSEL-BABEL, which amounted to 45 people. The sample in this study amounted to 45 respondents which were taken from all the employees of the regional division of SUMSEL-BABEL. The data that is researched is the survey data of the Perum BULOG regional of SUMSEL-BABEL. Data analysis is performed using the quantitative method of SPSS for Windows version 23 Program. The results of the research can be noted that there is a significant influence between skills and work experience both partially and jointly towards the development of careers in the regional division of BULOG of SUMSEL-BABEL. Result coefficient of determination obtained adjusted value of R2 in the determination of R Square (R2) of 0.782 which means that 78.2%. Career development influenced by skills and work experience variables. While the remainder of the study, 21.8% were donated by factors of another factor that were not researched.
Keywords: Skills, Work Experience, Career Development
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keterampilan dan pengalaman kerja terhadap pengembangan karier pada perum BULOG devisi regional SUMSEL-BABEL. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Pegawai perum BULOG devisi regional SUMSEL-BABEL yang berjumlah 45 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 45 responden yang diambil dari seluruh pegawai perum BULOG devisi regional SUMSEL-BABEL.Data yang diteliti merupakan data kuesioner pegawai Perum BULOG regional SUMSEL-BABEL. Analisis data dilakukkan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif Program SPSS for windows versi 23. Hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara keterampilan dan pengalaman kerja baik secara parsial maupun secara bersama-sama terhadap pengembangan karier pada perum BULOG divisi regional SUMSEL-BABEL. Hasil koefisien determinasi diperoleh nilai adjusted R2 sebesar determinasi R Square (R2) sebesar 0,782 yang berarti bahwa 78,2 %. Pengembangan karir dipengaruhi oleh variable Keterampilan dan Pengalaman Kerja. Sedangkan sisanya dari penelitian, 21,8 % disumbangkan oleh factor faktor lain yang tidak diteliti.
Kata Kunci : Keterampilan, Pengalaman Kerja, Pengembangan KarierReferences
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