

    Kepada Yth. Calon Autor di JIPBP

    Penulis yang akan melakukan submission pada laman jurnal ini, dimohon untuk dapat mengunggah naskahnya sesuai dengan tamplate yang telah ditentukan JIPBP. Tamplate dapat di unduh pada bagian menu journal tampalte di samping laman jurnal JIPBP utama.

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    Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Perikanan dan Budidaya Perairan (JIPBP) would like to invite authors to submit the manuscript in the form of research articles from laboratory or field experiment as well as theoretical and elaborative research in field of  fisheries science, aquaculture, technology of fishery products, fisheries sosioeconomics, capture fisheries, aquatic resources management and marine science.  through the online submission system. All the manuscripts will be processed and monitored through an open journal system (OJS). We await contribution to the Science community, from around the World, to contribute to the Journal for Volume 18, No. 1, Juni 2023 in our OJS 3

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