Author Guidelines
Wahana Didaktika: Journal of Educational Science publishes scientific studies and research findings in the field of education, focusing on the development of theories and scientific concepts that have not been previously explored. This journal encompasses: (1) collections of new information, (2) objective results from scientific studies, and (3) recommendations.
Manuscript Submission Guidelines:
- Manuscripts must be written in proper Indonesian.
- Length: 10-15 pages, on A4-sized paper.
- Formatting: Typed in 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman font, size 14.
- Margins: 3 cm on the right, 2 cm on the left, 2.5 cm on top and bottom.
Structure and Formatting:
- Concise and clear, consisting of 5-15 words, in Indonesian.
- Should reflect the educational substance discussed in the main body of the article.
- Main title and subtitle separated by a colon, printed 15 mm below the top edge of the page, using bold title case.
- First-level headings in all caps, left-aligned, bold.
- Second-level headings in title case, left-aligned, bold.
- Third-level headings in italics and bold, left-aligned.
Author Name(s):
- Written without academic or professional titles.
- Full name with academic titles may be included as a footnote on the first page.
- Institutional affiliation noted as a footnote on the first page.
- For manuscripts with more than three authors, only the first author’s name is listed under the title; other authors are noted in a footnote.
- For conceptual or theoretical articles: a concise summary of the article’s content.
- For research articles: includes the research problem or objectives, methodology, and findings.
- 100-150 words, written in a single paragraph, essay format (not enumerative), single-spaced, and narrower than the main text.
- Consist of 3-5 words, representing the core ideas or concepts discussed in the article.
- Typically individual words (not phrases or sentences).
Research Manuscripts Structure:
- (1) Title, (2) Author Name(s), (3) Abstract, (4) Keywords, (5) Introduction (ending with a brief statement of the key points and purpose), (6) Main Content: (a) Research Methods, (b) Findings, (c) Discussion, (7) Conclusion and Recommendations, (8) References.
Non-Research Manuscripts Structure:
- (1) Title, (2) Author Name(s), (3) Abstract, (4) Keywords, (5) Introduction (including background and problem statement), (6) Main Content, (7) Conclusion, (8) References.
Tables and Figures:
- Should be printed on a single page whenever possible.
- Table numbers and titles are placed above the table in bold title case.
- Figure numbers and titles are placed below the figure in bold title case.
- Content within tables and figures should be in regular (non-bold) font.
- Books: Last name, First name. (Year). Title of the book in italics. Edition (if applicable). City: Publisher.
- Articles: Last name, First name. (Year). “Title of the article.” Journal Name in Italics, Volume(Issue).
- If published in a book, include “In” before the editor’s name. The book should also be listed in the references.
- Theses, Dissertations: Last name, First name. (Year). Title in italics. Thesis/Dissertation, (Name of the University), City: “Unpublished.”