
  • Vivi Alvionita SMP Fitra Abdi Palembang
  • Aswadi Jaya Universitas PGRI Palembang
  • Hermansyah Universitas PGRI Palembang




This study aims to evaluate on online platforms in English language teaching at SMP Fitra Abdi Palembang. The research focused on eighth – grade students at SMP Fitra Abdi Palembang of the 2023/2024 academic year, with the total of 31 students. The researchers using a descriptive qualitative research method that typically involves detailed data to provide a comprehensive understood of a phenomenon. And utilized the data collection techniques with a questionnaire, and interviews. Additionally, the results of the questionnaires showed 3305 of a total score of, indicated that students used online platforms in learned English. In conclusion showed that most eighth – grade students at SMP Fitra Abdi Palembang used the Duolingo app to learned English instead of used Hello Talk app and Beelinguapp.


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