Reading motivation, Reading self-concept, and Reading comprehension achievementAbstract
This study aimed to find out the influence of students’ reading motivation and students’ reading self-concept on students’ reading comprehension achievement of the eighth grade students of state Junior High School of Lempuing District. In this study, 223 students of the eighth grade were chosen as the sample. This study applied the correlational causal effect quantitative research design. Questionnaire and test was used to collect the data. They were analyzed by using simple regression and multiple regression analysis. The result showed that (1) there was a significant influence of reading motivation on reading comprehension achievement of the eighth grade students of State Junior High School of Lempuing District, (2) there was a significant influence of reading self-concept on reading comprehension achievement of the eighth grade students of State Junior High School of Lempuing District, (3) there was significant influence of reading motivation on reading self-concept of the eighth grade students of State Junior High School of Lempuing District, (4) there was a significant influence of reading motivation and reading self-concept simultaneously on reading comprehension achievement of the eighth grade students of State Junior High School of Lempuing District.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Desilia Kurniawati, Tahrun Tahrun, Artanti Puspitasari

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