Merdeka Belajar Curriculum, Implementation, Innovation, ObstaclesAbstract
This study aims to describe the innovation and obstacles of Implementation Merdeka Belajar Curriculum at junior high school number 7 of Palembang. This type of research is qualitative in a descriptive way. The key research instruments are observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The data source for this research is the results of interviews with the assistant principal of academic affairs and curriculum sector as well as 10 teachers who teach using the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. The results found by researchers are : 1). Innovation from the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum at Junior High School Number 7 of Palembang has been running and implemented in accordance with the content of merdeka belajar curriculum, which focuses on the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile Project (P5). An innovative project of an independent school curriculum is called "Merdeka dari Sampah", 2). The implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum at Junior High School Number 7 of Palembang is very effective for teachers and students, 3). There are no obstacles to implementing the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum at Junior High School Number 7 of Palembang.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ivan Maulana, Asti Veto Mortini, Aswadi Jaya

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